Book Review || The Day of the Door || Laurel Hightower


Book Review

The Day of The Door

Laurel Hightower



Today, I have a review of The Day of the Door by Laurel Hightower. Now, I must admit that this is my first Laurel Hightower book that I have read. As with many authors, she has been on my radar for quite some time, and I have several of her books on my Kindle. But you know how it is, there are loads of books knocking about and you mean to actually read on your TBR, but new shinies come out and you need them. Subsequently, all those books that you meant to read get pushed further down the TBR in favour of the newest ones.

About the Book

Once there were four Lasco siblings banded together against a world that failed to protect them. But on a hellish night that marked the end of their childhood, eldest brother Shawn died violently after being dragged behind closed doors. Though the official finding was accidental death, Nathan Lasco knows better, and has never forgiven their mother, Stella.

Now two decades later, Stella promises to finally reveal the truth of what happened on The Day of the Door. Accompanied by a paranormal investigative team, the Lasco family comes together one final time, but no one is prepared for the revelations waiting for them on the third floor.


The Door of the Door tells the story of The Lasco children, Nate, Aury and Katy who on one fateful day witness their brother, Shawn being dragged behind the door on the third floor by their mother, Stella. Shawn dies violently at the hands of their mother. She claims that the house that they were living in was haunted and that she was possessed by a supernatural entity that took control of her and caused the death of their brother.

However, Nate and his two sisters know the truth and when they are invited back to their old house by a pair of TV Ghost Hunters, Stella promises them the truth of that horrific night.

The Day of the Door is primarily an examination of familial trauma and the after effects that it has on the family, with the true monster being Stella, the mother, who is a narcissistic creature who turns the truth and any situation to shine the spotlight on her own needs.

For me, the book was a mix of Caitlin Marceau’s This Is Where We Talk Things Out and Paul Tremblay’s Headful of Ghosts.

This book was one of those books that I on the one hand really liked, but on the other hand it hit me hard in the gut. Especially when you can recognise certain characters in real life.

Stella is a truly hateful character that manipulates any situation to her own twisted logic. She is full of bile and vitriol, even when she is smiling. She plays with emotions and twists the facts so that it plays into her grandiose portrayal of herself or that she can belittle those around her. As you can guess, her narcissism has had a tremendous effect on her children. Nate is always on the verge of anger, Aury is emotionally stunted, and Katy craves affection, whether good or bad.

Hightower writes a compelling tale of family trauma that plays with readers expectations and twists the haunted house trope.






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