Sunday Roundup
Last Week, I tried to share with people the posts that I thought was good. You see I get emails from other blog sites that I follow and thought it would be a good idea to share those posts. However, if you can imagine, tweeting all that stuff can be quite time consuming.
Now, please understand that obviously retweeting does take time, but hopefully gets some exposure to other bloggers. So, instead of bombarding everyone with lots of individual tweets, here is a collection that I have done through the week.
1. This first one comes from Vesna on The, who reviews Anachrony by Susana Imaginario which was posted on Monday 29.11.21
2. If you didn't know, Luke Tarzian has a new book coming out soon, and Nick at Out of this World SFF posted the first known review of the book to whet your appetite.
3. A Book that I am looking forward to was reviewed by Michael at Track of Words. Absynthe by Brendan P. Bellacourt (Bradley P Beaulieu) is a retrofuturistic sci fi novel.
4. Sue at Sue's Musings does a Norsevenber Cover credential, featuring DW Ross and Bjorn Larsson
5. Tabitha at Behaind The Pages Reviews Rob Edwards' The Ascension Machine
6. Peat Long at Peat Long's Blog regales us with a short story called The Swordsman & the Sorcerer. It's a bit sweary and a bit bloody good.
7. As part of Norsevember Alex at Spells and Spaceships discusses diversity amongst the vikings
8. Brianna Sinder Reviews Rob J. Hayes' Century Blade on Before we go Blog
9. Cover Reveal Day for LL Macrae's upcoming book The Iron Gate (released in 2022) on FanFiAddict
10. Trin at Portable magic uploaded SFF OASIS book bingo recommendations this week.Just follow the Link
11. FanFiAddict is a very busy website with loads of contributers. This review of Blood of the Chosen by Django Wexler is from one of my twitter/insta pals Traveling Cloak
12. Asha from the beautifully named acatabookandacupoftea blog Reviews Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim.
13. Blaise on Under The Radar Books has a listen to The Gatewatch by Joshua Gillingham and puts some thoughts down in binary this week.
1. Claire on Lecari' s Live Journals reviews The Beast Hunters this week.
2. Lord Sampler on Lord Samplers Library takes a look at Glen Cook' s Bone Eaters on their blog and posts a review.
3. Another entry on the Blog tour is out today by Ruth on their blog Live to read, Love To Read is out, and here is the link to her great review.
4. Michael at a Track of Words posted his Monthly Roundup including reviews of all sorts of books, including Absynthe, Master of Djinn amongst others.
5. Sue at Sue's Musings has been busy with a review of an Advanced Reading Copy of Rise of The Sky Pirate by S.w. Raine.
6. Imyril on There's always room for one more interviews Chris Farnell this week.
7. Another review by Edpool on The Book in Hand. This time for MINDGUARD
8. Cassidee Lanstra has a Guest Post by Alex Thompson, author of Spidertouch on FanFiAddict as part of the blog tour for the book.
9. Adrian Gibson releases another Podcast this week on SFF Addicts (I will give the spotify link coz that is where I listen!)
10. Faye at Books & Chocoholic uploaded her December TBR on this week's upload on YouTube.
11. Gingernuts of Horror is one of the busiest horror sites around with loads of contributers adding to the mix. Today, The Fine Toothed Comb reviews Defoe 1666
12. Run along Womble is tackling the classics this week on Run Along The Shelves and has been listening to an all star retelling of that classic vampire tale Dracula.
13. Andrea Stewart's The Bone Shard Emperor is a very popular read this week (well, it has just been let loose on the world, and keep your eyes peeled for my own review at some point). This time one of my bestest Twitter pals, Jodie from Witty and Sarcastic Book club gives her view on this latest release.
14. Another November Wrap Up. This time from KB Book Reviews
15. Is this a discussion, a family argument or a review? Paul's Picks reviews Engines of Empire by R. S. Ford today.
16. Kendall Reviews is one of the very best Horror sites and along with the aforementioned Gingernuts of Horror is one of my go to sites. Today they review Prepare To Meet Thy God by Matt Star.
17. Besides being an author, Rob J. Hayes dutifully and diligently puts together a list of upcoming self published SFF. Here is a link to the December 2021 list
18.Sarah Chorn delves into one of my favourite books of the year by Dan Fitzgerald. The Living Waters is a phenomenal book about the complicates relationships between nature and those who benefit from ecology as a whole.
19. Busy, Busy, Busy is Fanfiaddicts website David S. Has been interviewing Benedict Jacka today.
20. On Wednesday We Read released TV Tuesday EP. 2 discussing The Wheel of Time.
21. Aaron on the Everything Handheld blog has been Reviewing Project Hail Mary this week. This is a great blog for both bookishness and gaming, so have a look-see at it. There's something for everyone.
22. Jack at Jack's betime reading discusses what he likes and what he doesn't like in his review Binti by Nnedi Orokafor
23. Gosh, I keep finding more reviews today. This time from the great Beth Tabler on Before we go blog. Today it's a review of a graphic novel called The Arrival by Shaun Tam
1.Littafi Books reviews Red Riding
2. Jodie from Witty & Sarcastic Bookclub reviews another book that has been garnering much attention, Under The Whispering Door by T.J. Klune.
3. That Dark Rogue from The Book in Hand has a read The Priory & The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
4. Indie Fantasy Books with a Festive Flavour over on Sue's Musings today. If you like your fantasy with a bit of festive cheer, have a gander.
5. Sadie's Spotlight has a post about Agents Adam & Eve today as part of their fantasy books for Christmas.
6. Dominish Books makes a decision to reread, rewrite or recycle on YouTube today.
7. Kat from Full of a book has been listening to All Systems Red by Martha Wells. Did she love it? Pop along to her gaff and find out?
8. Grimdark Magazine has a read of We Break Immortals by Thomas Howard Reiily, BMM
9. Polka Will Never Die in EP. 21 of the fantasy Files over on YouTube
10. If you want an idea of books that are coming out in December Summon Fantasy has you covered with a pretty extensive list.
11 Kristin Kraves books is doing a Reindeer Readathon on her channel this month.
12. Petrick shows off his November Book Haul
13. Ben at Literature and Lo-fi releases a review of Krystle Matar's Legends of the Brightwash
14. Jo Shaw at Book Mad Jo reviews The Image of Her by Sonia Belton.
15. Another bit of writing advice from the inimitable Stephen Aryan this time talking Short Story Advice. In this video, Stephen is talking to author of Doors of Sleep, Tim Pratt about the art of writing a short story.
16. Another review from Gingernuts of Horror. This time for The Devils of London by Simon Bestwick
17. An excellent guest post by the fabulous Peter McLean, author of the War for the Rose Throne series & The Burning Man series
18. Traveling Cloak has been reading Thunder, Blood & Goats by Lyra Wolf
Thursday 2nd December
1. Do you need a Friend Like Filby? Behind the Pages joins the book tour for the this book by Mark Wakely today.
2. Another one from Behind the Pages. This time it is Taking Baby for a walk by Kathryn Gossow
3. Rowena at Beneath a Thousand Skies reviews the second in Like Tarzian's Adjacent Monsters Series, The World Breaker Parable today.
4. Sue's Musings regular Indie Spotlight features Dede Montgomery, author of My Music Man this week.
5. Jenna at Westveil Publishing has a guest author post today from K.A. Wiggins, author of blind the eyes.
6. Jodie at The Witty and Sarcastic Book Club joins the tour for Dan Fitzgerald's The Living Waters today, organised by Justine & Timy of Storytellers on tour.
7. Ben from SFF Oasis reviews the third book in The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee
8. The brilliant Beth Tabler reviews Krystle Matar's fantastically dark Gaslamp fantasy Legacy of the Brightwash
9. Another one of my favourite horror websites Kendall Reviews has a look at Krampus & Friends by Gerald Cole
10. It's a hundredth episode anniversary on Swords & Sports Podcast with your favourite Paladin Unbound Jeff Speight
11. The Quill to Live releases a Best of 2021 list. Grab your ink and see what made the grade
12. #R3COMM3ND3D2021 is joining up with Lisa from Owl be Reading to give you some Book Recs.
13. Fascinating article by L.A. Young on the SWFA BLOG called "Storytelling in Speculative Fiction Reveals a Buried History". is one of my favourite blogs to follow. (Please note: this article was released earlier in the year but is such a good one I thought I would add it!)
15.You want to listen to some author chat with the author of one of the most recent talked about books. Adrian has you covered as he puts Fonda Lee in the spotlight
16. Trin from portable Magic reviews Sistersong today.
1. Welcome to the sounds of silence. No Song but Silence. Peter at The is on tour today with a review of Johnathan Nevair's No Song but Silence.
2. This King got a bit greedy. He wasn't happy with being dead once, he wanted twice bedammit At the Boundary's Edge reviews Ruin by Nate Crowley if you want your Warhammer fix.
3. You'll be the death of me by Karen McManus is reviewed on
4. Jack's been doing some betime reading this month and Updates you on his month. (I don't know how he sleeps at night!)
4. New post by one of my favourite bloggers, David from Blue Book Balloon. Today he reviews Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee.
5. Bookish Benny reviews Of Blood & Bone by Ryan Cahill today.
6. Aaron from everything handlheld talks about Games from my Childhood, and taking a look at Real time strategy games.
7. 🎵Underground, overground wombling free, the womles of Wimbledon Common are we🎵, and this week Womble has been finding lots of things to read and review. Earlier in the week run along the shelves reviewed the Terralight Collection by Pamela Jeff's. However as Womble is very busy there was also A Universe of Wishes, Dracula, Curse of the Vampire and others which I think may have been covered elsewhere.
8. Yvonne at The Coycaterpillar Reads has been reviewing My heart is a chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones this week.
9 Bryce at Shelf Centred looks at Episode 5 of Wheel of Time and discusses what he thought of it..
10. Everyone is wrapping up November, and this week it's Faye from Books & Chocoholic
11. Petrik Loos forward to the month ahead with his December TBR this week.
12. Some more Wheel of Time chat, this time from Rob Edwards looking at episode 4.
13. Trin has been filming away and releases a review of Sistersong and has also been doing some housework by doing a TBR Cleanup and her latest November Wrap up
14 Looking forward/looking back at Dominish books this week as he looks at the month that was and the month that is.
15. Max reads streamed an Interstellar book club discussion on The Iron Widow this week.
16 The Fantasy Nutrwork has been busy this week and here is a review of The Fifth Season by NK Jemison.
17. Andrew' Wizarding World Wraps Up November on his latest upload
18. Rowena at Beneath a Thousand Skies joins Storytellers on tour for No Song but Silence by Johnathan Nevair today.
19 Beth Tabler on Before We Go Blog reviews Dark Oak by Jacob Sannox today.
20. Eleanor NicBhatair goes green with All the Green Books today.
21. Megan's Reading Revelations shows us her November Book Haul today.
21. Michael at Track Of Words looks at The Best of Black Library Today.
22. On Wednesday We Read released their latest Podcast
This is a late entry coz I have only just seen it, but it goes on because it's from Eleni on Before We Go Blog (one of my favourite bloggers!). So, Let's Talk About Mood Reading
There we have it. I apologise if I have missed anyone, I probably haven't seen it.
Wow, that's an impressive list! Thanks for letting me sneak on there, and thanks for being one of my bestest Twitter pals too!
ReplyDeleteThanks FBN! Super impressive list and delighted to be on it.