Quick Fire Book Tag
Today’s post is a book Tag that has been going round the Twittersphere that I have been tagged in on a couple of occasions by Rowena at Beneath a Thousand Skies & Shauna at Shauna Lawless writes
Thank the person that tagged you – Thanks Rowena & Shauna
Link the creators blog –The Bookworm Dreamer
Answer the prompts below!
Tag 5 others to take part – I will tag some people on Twitter, but if you are reading this thinking you would like to take part, please feel free to!
Most of all! Enjoy!
5* Read
Now this is a bit of a difficult one as I have a few five star reads of late because I have read some fantastic reads this year that all deserve a mention. So, in light of the fact that I cannot pick just one, here's a few.
So, as you can see, I couldn't choose just one. I found each of those books to be brilliant and all completely different. The Coven of Shadows by SC Gowland is epic fantasy, whilst Inscape is a fast paced sci fi thriller. The Iron Crown by LL McRae is epic in its scope and is filled with dragons, gryphons and mythical monsters. Norlyska Groans is a hard boiled fantasy based story. All amazing.
Always Going to Recommend
Although, The Last War Trilogy is not quite complete, I will always recommend this series to anyone. Mike Shackle's writing is amazing.
Own it but haven’t read it yet!
Master of Sorrows is one that I have had for an age on my TBR, and I just haven't got there. In fact there are a number of books that I have not got to quite yet. I will do soon as I do plan to read this book in 2021 (although there isn't much of 2021 left).

Would Read Again
The Greatcoats: I adore these books. They are some of my favourites and I blasted through this in about two weeks. I couldn't stop until I had finished, they are just brilliant.
In Another World
The Fisherman by John Langan is an interesting tale of grief and otherworldly threat. This is a very subdued tale of two men who find peace in the simple art of fishing after their wives die in very different circumstances. Now you might think that a book about fishing cannot be that exciting, but after reading this I don't think I will look at this hobby in the same way again.
Back on Earth

BBNYA winner 2020, The Lore of Prometheus is set in Kabul and is an interesting slant on the superhero. It's a military thriller which begins with John Carver taking a security Job in order to disappear fro his miserable life in England after he leaves the army. I really enjoyed this fast paced thriller.
There you go, adding to my tbr again!